Wednesday, May 27, 2020

The Importance of Marrying IoT to Consumer Products for Ease of Life

The number of connected IoT devices in 2017 was 27 billion, and by 2030 it's expected to grow to 125 billion. This means that the functionality and use scenarios for the IoT will continuously expand and permeate across all areas of consumer products, therefore improving the lifestyles and health of users worldwide. But exactly how are IoT devices being used in the consumer product space to increase customer satisfaction and make businesses more efficient? Read this article to gain an accurate perspective into the reach that the IoT will have in the consumer product space and how businesses will leverage IoT devices to drive innovation across the industry.


Enable Work from Home Productivity

This solution brief provides information to small businesses looking to enable remote access to on-premises resources using RDS and VDI. Read the brief for a breakdown of RDS and VDI benefits and to see how HPE Small Business Solutions can support any work from home plan.

View: Enable Work from Home Productivity

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

The state of security for small and mid-size businesses

Investing in a cybersecurity program is no longer optional, no matter the size of your business. #Microsoft recommends that all businesses be prepared to contend with a security threat, regardless of the size or scope of the company. Check out this infographic to learn more about how you can provide comprehensive security solutions for your company. Contact our team at Lantel Cloud to learn more.

View: The state of security for small and mid-size businesses

The Network in 2020: Faster, Closer, Smarter

It's no secret that more people, more than ever, are more digitally connected. The underlying network needed to support this connectivity must be faster, closer, and smarter, according to Forbes contributor Steve Alexander. "On-demand content, bandwidth-hungry mobile apps, IoT devices, and new cloud-based applications are driving the need for more bandwidth and network capacity," Alexander writes. He reminds us that "fast ethernet" used to be the descriptive phrase for the network edge, and that over time we have quickly increased connectivity times—because users' needs demand it. This is no exception. "Since its inception, the internet has a been a catalyst for service providers to facilitate faster connectivity, an imperative that will increase over time," states Alexander. Read the entire article, "The Network in 2020: Faster, Closer, Smarter" for valuable insight on why network requirements will continue to align with the need for cloud services.


Safeguard company data across apps and devices with Microsoft 365

Safeguard company data across apps and devices with Microsoft 365

View: Safeguard company data across apps and devices with Microsoft 365

The 7 properties of highly secure devices

Every day, new IoT devices are powering up around the world. Each one represents a source of insights into customer behavior and provides the data required to create and monitor impactful strategies. On the flip side, all of them also represent a possible entry point for malicious software and cybercriminals to steal sensitive business information and permanently damage an organization's reputation. To counter this threat, enterprise security has gotten increasingly elaborate and effective at creating multiple security systems depending on the property of each device and its relationship with the customer. In this infographic, you'll learn about the 7 properties that help modern IoT devices stay safe from cyber attacks and keep hackers at bay.

View: The 7 properties of highly secure devices

MS Azure IaaS TEI Infographic

Curious about the ROI of Microsoft Azure Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS)? Have a look at this infographic that shows Forrester's conclusions after six customer interviews and data aggregation for a five-year financial impact. Businesses experienced reduced data center and outsourcing costs, website scale and performance improvements, ease of experimentation through virtualized environments, and developer and testers enhancements. Want to learn more about the potential ROI that could be realized by shifting some or all of your management and operations to Azure? Contact us today.

View: MS Azure IaaS TEI Infographic

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Measure value, efficiency, and cost effectiveness with accurate, real-time data. Subscribe now to learn more about Microsoft Azure IoT.

Data is everything in today's digital world. Simply put, those businesses without the means to accurately extract data from their processes adapt more slowly than those that do. And in a world with increasing customer expectations and constantly evolving technology, gaining access to this information is no longer just a choice. There is a bright side to this situation, though. As technology becomes more accessible, so do your options for implementing and creating successful digital strategies. Today's leading platforms like Microsoft Azure IoT are not only easier to deploy, but also more flexible in their requirements and maintenance, giving your company the choice of executing them in the way that best aligns with your objectives. Subscribe now to learn how digital transformation and the IoT can put you in total control of your business, as well as how you can get started with Microsoft.

View: Measure value, efficiency, and cost effectiveness with accurate, real-time data. Subscribe now to learn more about Microsoft Azure IoT.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

The Total Economic Impact™ of Microsoft Azure SQL Database Managed Instance

According to Forrester, Microsoft Azure SQL Database Managed Instance has the best ROI, with a migration payback in six months or less and a potential 212% ROI over three years. Additionally, Azure's intelligent database offers dynamic scalability that enables your database to transparently respond to rapidly changing requirements, and you pay only for the resources you need, when you need them. Azure works with your on-premises investments so that customers use their same skills when they migrate, using familiar tools and features. All of this, along with easy and free migration tools, makes Azure the best fit option for your cloud needs.


How Confident Is Your Business In Recovering From A Breach?

Did you know that 90% of small businesses ignore data protection? Does this shock you as much as it shocks us? But implementing a proper security system is easier than you think. Check out this article to learn more about how you can build a strong defense against cyberattacks. And contact our team to help you level up your cyberattack defense.


Digital Transformation in the Oil & Gas Industry: Combining Azure Cloud-Based Services

Our third Lizo video shows how utilizing Cosmos DB, SQL Database and Cache for Redis is advantageous for a company managing large volumes of data. The outcome: increased operational efficiencies and improved visibility in predictive maintenance. Watch this video for another quick look at how Azure drives business results!

Customer story: Landgren

Swedish real estate company Landgren has made a name for itself by being ahead of the technological curve and prioritizing innovation. So far, Landgren has capitalized on standing out from the crowd, but here's the catch: The company has no IT department. Using security solutions from Microsoft 365 allows Landgren to comply with strict European data privacy standards, ensuring that the company is protected against data loss and cyberattacks.

FINNING | Providing Measurable customer value increased operational efficiancy and consistent growth with IoT

Many companies would view competing in industries where labor-intensive tasks, disconnected data sources, and paper-based processes are the norm as a hard challenge. Others, like Finning—the world's largest Caterpillar dealer—saw this as an opportunity to disrupt and innovate within the construction industry through digital transformation. Watch this video to learn how Finning collaborated with a Microsoft Gold Partner to enable the unification of disparate data sources using IoT devices, and how this strategy allowed the company to substantially upgrade its customer service experience.

Monday, May 18, 2020

How to Set Up Networking with HPE Small Office Deployment

Part of the Adventures in SMB IT series, this video features an interview with Joaquin Ochia, owner of J Tech Enterprises. Watch if for a look at the networking fundamentals of configuring DNS, DHCP and WINS services as part of HPE's Small Office Deployment Solution.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

8 Ways IoT Devices Can Improve Your Business Office

By now, you're very aware of the hugely successful IoT implementations some companies have released into the market. Wearables, smartphones, smart cars, and even smart traffic lights have made headlines across the world. But what about the stuff that doesn't make headlines? Some IoT applications—such as those we use around the office—may not be as exciting as others, but that doesn't mean they aren't as useful or interesting. In this article, you'll learn about IoT applications that are revolutionizing the workplace and how each of them can add value to products and services we didn't even know could be automated. From coffee machines to smart office heat mapping, these are 8 ways your office could be getting smarter in the near future.


Risk by the numbers: 15 cybersecurity stats that matter most to your business

77% of businesses report that they would benefit from knowing more about cybersecurity best practices. Check out these cybersecurity stats from Microsoft for more. And contact us to determine the best course of action to protect your business and your customers' sensitive data.

View: Risk by the numbers: 15 cybersecurity stats that matter most to your business

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

It's 2020. Do You Know Where Your Digital Future Is?

In most of our homes, we utilize and depend on the cloud in multiple ways every single day—think online banking and shopping, social media, email and doorbell video cameras. "It might be the first time in history that our habits at home have outpaced how we function at work," writes Tyler Bowman in his Forbes article, "It's 2020. Do You Know Where Your Digital Future Is?" Bowman addresses three main lingering concerns in the corporate world, including generational divide. "Millennials are driving a market disruption that many CEOs are grappling to embrace," Bowman adds, however, that this difference does not need to result in irreconcilable work practices and values. His suggestions for embracing the disruption support his main point, which is it's just a matter of time before our cloud utilization at work catches up to our already existing cloud dependency at home. Read this article for interesting perspective on the corporate cloud in 2020 and beyond.


Protect against cybersecurity threats with Microsoft 365

We get it. You're busy. You need to focus on your business and don't have time to be hindered by cybersecurity threats. Lucky for you, Microsoft 365 Business provides robust security solutions with comprehensive external threat protection and internal data leak prevention. With our Microsoft 365 Business solutions, you can make sure that nothing stands in the way of your company's safety. Check out this infographic for a quick view of industry trends, pain points, proof points, and more on why you should upgrade to Microsoft 365 Business.

View: Protect against cybersecurity threats with Microsoft 365

Create a connected business powered by Microsoft

Imagine you've worked hard to plan and strategize your IoT roadmap. You've finally established what devices you want to connect and how you're going to use that data to drive growth for your business. You've also convinced the board and other stakeholders about your strategy and have gotten the green light to begin ASAP. So you're all set, right? Well, not exactly. What's missing is one of the most challenging and crucial steps for most companies—one that can completely make or break your entire initiative: choosing the correct platform on which to execute your IoT program. Ideally, you want a platform that allows devices to connect seamlessly —of course—but you also need flexibility, scalability, security, and the ability to transform data into dashboards to obtain insights. In this infographic, you'll learn how Microsoft IoT Central meets all of these requirements while delivering an intuitive and highly customizable UI that can and will adapt to your business, not the other way around.

View: Create a connected business powered by Microsoft

SQL Server and Azure SQL Database GDPR Guidance Paper

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a regulation in European law on data protection and privacy in the European Union and the European Economic Area. It also addresses the transfer of personal data outside of these areas. To meet General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requirements, Microsoft has implemented technical (tooling) and organizational measures (processes) to ensure that data processing is in accordance with GDPR privacy regulations. The actual path will be different for every organization, but general resources are available in a Service Trust Portal that Microsoft has created for customers to get started. This white paper provides a good overview of GDPR and includes many links to sites with more specific information for associated topics. Contact us if you have questions!

View: SQL Server and Azure SQL Database GDPR Guidance Paper

Server Security Lies Deep in Hardware

As the need for greater server security and agility increases, you'll begin to look at replacement options for your aging servers. This executive brief walks through options for secure servers and key priorities to focus on during server modernization. Download the brief today to upgrade and protect your IT infrastructure.

View: Server Security Lies Deep in Hardware

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Cybersecurity: A Small Business Guide

You already know that small businesses are particularly vulnerable to cyberattacks, but what can you do about it? How familiar are you with the common security pitfalls for small businesses, and do you know how to avoid them? Check out this article for an overview of the most common types of cyberattacks. It also details cybersecurity best practices targeted at protecting small businesses against data breaches. And if you need help protecting your business and customers, we're here for you


Why the cloud? Why Microsoft Azure?

Is the cloud secure for my apps? Which apps make sense to run in the cloud? Can I trust my business-critical app to a cloud vendor? You want to head to the cloud, but naturally you have questions. You may also wonder why customers choose Microsoft Azure for their cloud migration. One reason is unparalleled innovation: you can maximize your productivity with fully managed services such as App Service, Azure SQL Database, and global on-demand Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). Your focus should be driving your business priorities instead of worrying about running data centers. Want to know the other reasons to choose Azure? Have questions? Lantel Cloud is ready to help you!

View: Why the cloud? Why Microsoft Azure?

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Leading the IoT: Gartner insights on how to lead in a connected world

The IoT is changing today's organizations into digital businesses. It's also creating innovative business models, boosting efficiency, and fostering engagement in both employees and customers. Change is not always smooth, however. Sometimes the only way to adapt and stay relevant is by radically reinventing the way things have been done in the past, which can be a painful process for some companies. There are other barriers to entry for IoT as well: most enterprises don't know where to start implementing the technology; moreover, if strategies do exist, there's almost always a conflict regarding who owns them. During these discussions, it's the job of the CIO to fill the resulting IoT leadership void. This book provides CIOs and IT leaders with a solid foundation for starting business conversations, developing initiatives, and creating successful IoT strategies with a quick time-to-market. Subscribe now to download your copy.

View: Leading the IoT: Gartner insights on how to lead in a connected world

Customer story: Meals on Wheels

For the Meals on Wheels organization in Greenville County, South Carolina, serving and improving the lives of community members is a daily practice. As the nonprofit company grew, so did the need for their services in their community. Leaders at Meals on Wheels knew they needed a comprehensive technology solution that would protect the data of the people they served. And, as more employees were onboarded and as employees began to increasingly work outside the office, team members needed a way to connect and share ideas from any location. With help from security and productivity tools from Microsoft 365 Business, Meals on Wheels completely transformed company technology solutions. And once employees were given better ways to collaborate, the organization's outreach in the community soared.

FINNING | Challenges and Opportunities with IoT Apps on Azure Cloud

Every role within an organization needs specific tools and data to do their job as best they can. This task is more complex than it sounds, though. Without the required scalability and customization options, even small businesses can struggle when obtaining relevant information, let alone large, multinational corporations. If done right, however, the payoff is well worth it. Companies gain access to previously untapped data sources and the ability to filter such data according to each person's role within the organization. When combined with the right integrated productivity tools and digital collaboration software, this allows for unparalleled levels of adaptability, efficiency, and risk management. In this video, you'll learn how Finning has utilized IoT to connect its entire organization, enabling each person to view relevant data depending on their role within the company.

Digital Transformation in the Oil & Gas Industry: Collect and Monitor Sensor Data

At oil and gas facilities, data from sensors and cameras must be collected, analyzed and visualized economically in order to keep operations running smoothly. Watch this Lizo video to see how the Power BI application allows remote decision-making—significantly reducing overhead cost and achieving operational efficiency.

Digital Transformation in the Oil & Gas Industry: Collect and Monitor Sensor Data

At oil and gas facilities, data from sensors and cameras must be collected, analyzed and visualized economically in order to keep operations running smoothly. Watch this Lizo video to see how the Power BI application allows remote decision-making—significantly reducing overhead cost and achieving operational efficiency.

SMB Hybrid IT for Dummies

In this guide on Hybrid IT for SMBs, organized after the "for dummies" series, HPE shares how hybrid IT is the future, the best location to run individual workloads, and tips for building your on-premises environment. Download this valuable guide now to transform your IT operations, while saving time and money, with hybrid IT.

View: SMB Hybrid IT for Dummies

What is Microsoft Copilot for Azure

Gain new insights, discover more benefits of the cloud, and orchestrate across both cloud and edge with the new Microsoft Copilot for Azure....