Tuesday, June 30, 2020

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Businesses are amassing enormous amounts of data, more than they know what to do with. Most are just using it to put together dense periodic reports explaining "what" happened too long after the fact to be of much use. Modernizing your digital workplace by moving to Azure and utilizing its AI technology can help you get a handle on your data and graduate from "what" happened to "how" it happened and, finally, to what "will" happen to inform what you should do all within a relevant period of time.

View: Don't miss another post! Subscribe now.

Adaptable Use Models

This solution brief details HPE's Adaptable Use Models for Extended Deployment. This program allows you to acquire compute and storage capacity in advance and align payments with deployment. Read the brief to learn more.

View: Adaptable Use Models

SunCulture success story: Remove labor to let water flow

"Work smarter, not harder" has become the motto of the digital age. Yet in some parts of the world where modern technology is not accessible, hard, manual labor is the only choice people have to get things done. For example, in parts of Africa where running water is not available, farmers like Monica must manually extract water from a well and distribute it amongst her family, crops, and animals. This isn't just exhausting but also extremely inefficient, and can lead to small yields for such an extensive level of effort. To make matters worse, seasonal changes greatly impact the amount of water available, making life for people like Monica that much harder. So, how can you leverage the power of modern technology to help these farmers produce more food and secure a better future? Watch this video to learn how SunCulture is using solar energy to bring hope and prosperity to Monica and more farmers like her in Kenya.

SitePro Part 1

SitePro gained a competitive advantage by combining onsite sensors and data collection with online data processing and management using Microsoft Azure. As a result, they were able to provide faster and more effective service to their customers, which in turn strengthened the offerings of their customers. It's a win for everyone.

Virtualization Solutions for small business efficiency

This video compares servers and applications to the cost of renting out an entire hotel for a single application. Check out the video to learn how virtualization with HPE ProLiant servers allocates resources to applications as needed so businesses can run more applications on a server and only pay for what they need.

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

 Subscribe to the Weekly ENTERPRISE.NXT Newsletter

From AI and cloud to security and edge computing, Enterprise.nxt provides insights that will keep you current, accelerate your career, and inform your decisions.


Gartner Forecasts Worldwide Public Cloud Revenue to Grow 17% in 2020

According to Gartner, Inc., the world's leading research and advisory company, the worldwide public cloud services is forecast to grow 17% in 2020. This is significant projected growth and a good indicator that the cloud is reliable, trustworthy—and necessary. Have a look at this report, which also forecasts infrastructure as a service (IaaS) to grow 24%--the highest growth rate across all market segments. The report attributes the growth to "the demands of modern applications and workloads, which require infrastructure that traditional data centers cannot meet." Read the press release and summarized findings here.


SunCulture success story

If you're reading this, then chances are that getting easy access to clean, running water isn't an issue for you. But for around 43 percent of the world's total population, this simply is not the case. For them, obtaining the drinkable water they need to sustain their families requires hard work and commitment. To make matters even more critical, most of them live in rural areas in which farming is their main source of income. This means that any available water must be carefully distributed between their crops and family, an exhausting situation that can take all day just to keep a small patch of land in farmable condition. Such is the case for Monica, a Kenyan farmer who every day must assume the roles of mother of four, farmer, merchant, and housekeeper just to make ends meet. In this video, you'll learn how she managed her dwindling water supply to keep her farm yielding, family fed, and trade at the local market—a situation that was soon to improve dramatically thanks to modern technology.

Learn how to modernize your apps and data on Azure

Break down the cloud journey with four stages of the process—starting with a pre-migration assessment and then looking at migration, post-migration, and optimization. Microsoft Azure has you covered with tools created specifically for you.

View: Learn how to modernize your apps and data on Azure

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Expand your service portfolio by leveraging real-time customer data. Learn more about Azure IoT.

How do you create brand loyalty? In other words, how do you make customers trust your business based on objective reasons that go beyond just brand recognition? To be fair, there is no single answer to this question, but if we've learned anything from the digital age, it's that giving your customers unwavering support and optimizing your products based on their feedback can go a long way to ensuring a business' survival. So how are today's leading enterprises gathering data to obtain accurate insights into their customers to create new products and services? And, more importantly, how can your organization learn from their success to disrupt the market and become a top player in the industry? Subscribe now to stay updated on the latest digital trends and how you can create a more connected business with Microsoft Azure IoT.

View: Expand your service portfolio by leveraging real-time customer data. Learn more about Azure IoT.

Guide to Creating a BYOD Policy for Small Business

Allowing employees to access company data from personal devices can be essential to creating work-life balance, but employee-owned devices can also pose security threats. Check out this article for an overview of the risks and benefits of implementing a bring-your-own-device policy. Contact us for more information on how to help your company secure company data accessed from personal devices.


Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Why Migrate with Azure?

With Microsoft Azure Migration Program (AMP), customers receive prescriptive guidance for a step-by-step approach for a path to the cloud from start to finish. The program delivers technical skill building to ensure your organization can successfully adopt Azure; best practices for a step-to-step approach from start to finish; Azure engineering support for data and infrastructure foundations; expert guidance from specialized migration partners; free Azure tools to help you efficiently execute migrations; and cost effective offers to help you save money before, during, and after migration. All of this, available to all Azure customers, scaled through specialized migration partners. Contact us for more information or assistance in migrating.

View: Why Migrate with Azure?

Customer story: Garner Foods

Although Garner Foods is based in South Carolina, they sell hot sauce and Green Mountain Gringo brand products all over the world. With digital tools, their projects are easily managed remotely, and team members can work from anywhere. Garner Foods chose to partner with Microsoft 365 Business to easily onboard new employees and to secure company data stored on countless devices. With employees and sales representatives traveling all over the United States, being able to securely work and collaborate from any device has played a huge role in the company's ongoing success.

Rolls-Royce and Microsoft collaborate to create new digital capabilities

If you've ever experienced a flight delay, you know how frustrating it can be to sit in an airplane for what seems like an eternity, especially if you have other flights to catch or someone is waiting for you at your destination. But you're not the only one negatively affected by these extended pit stops. Like any other transportation business, airlines make a profit the more their planes are in transit, and they lose millions of dollars per year to unexpected maintenance delays. Within this context, Rolls-Royce—one of the leading suppliers of aircraft engines across the world—saw an opportunity to disrupt the traditional sales model and leverage digital transformation to make flights safer while decreasing delays. Watch this video to learn how Rolls-Royce is using Microsoft Azure and IoT to obtain, analyze, and filter critical component data to ensure their engines always fly in the best condition possible and that thousands of passengers reach their destinations safe and sound every day.


Lizo | Digital transformation in the oil & gas industry: seamless scaling and automatic updating

Our final video in the Lizo series shows how a business can push the boundaries of what's possible for a data-driven company. To do this, they needed to be as agile and informed as possible. See how companies can move to Azure to enjoy the freedom and possibilities of the cloud.

  Ready to Deploy HPE Remote User Compute Solution

 This solution brief breaks down the ready to deploy remote user compute solutions from HPE. Learn how to support your IT infrastructure with the right platform based on your challenges and specific needs for basic data entry, market research, collaboration, machine learning and more.

View:   Ready to Deploy HPE Remote User Compute Solution

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Bringing Apps and Start-ups Together

More frequently than ever, consumers are utilizing apps for news, food, information, social networking and more. Of course, the cloud forms the core of the app economy and small to medium businesses need service providers that support their financial needs and requirements. In his article, "Bringing Apps and Start-ups Together," Prabhakar Jayakumar writes that 90% of all data used over the last two years was created using an optimized data management tool. For digitization to progress, modern app development requires efficient data management and processing. The app must engage users and generate content, "and then process the data generated to garner insights, which can enhance the performance of the app or brand," writes Jayakumar. He adds that this is where cloud service providers can be of great help, in setting up databases to be quick and fail-proof. In short, Jayakumar sees service providers can help SMBs deploy applications quickly and cost-effectively: "Less coding, limitless scalability, exceedingly fast deployments, and fool-proof security are the pillars of tomorrow's app economy, powered by the cloud." Read Jayakumar's entire article and contact us for cloud migration support.


  Cybersecurity Best Practices to Protect Your Business

 Protect your business from a cyberattack in times of uncertainty with HPE cyber security best practices. Check out this solution brief taking you through HPE's end-to-end security approach from assessment to end of life for critical IT assets.

View:   Cybersecurity Best Practices to Protect Your Business

Protect your business: Recognize the top three security threats, plus one you may not know about

This report gives detailed information on how to safeguard your customers' data from viruses, phishing, and ransomware, plus a common security threat you may have overlooked. The global average cost of a cyberattack is $3.6 million. But awareness is the first step in security and prevention. Check out this e-book and contact our team to learn more about how to defend your company against cyberattacks.

View: Protect your business: Recognize the top three security threats, plus one you may not know about

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

The 'Internet of Things' Is Changing the Way We Look at the Global Product Value Chain

IoT is no longer a novelty, and still it surprises us each day with new, innovative solutions to everyday tasks. When was the last time you checked the TV for the weather, or had to download your photos to a computer so you could share them with friends or relatives? Unless you're a meteorologist or professional photographer, chances are it's been a long time since you did either of those things. Today, our devices do almost everything for us. From scheduling our appointments to letting us know when our heart rate is above or below safe levels, to everything in between. Our IoT devices truly get to know us better than we thought we knew ourselves. So why not utilize this data to create amazing experiences with the products and services we use every day? In this article, you'll learn how the IoT is helping businesses reevaluate the way they interact with their customers to create new, non-intrusive, and relevant business opportunities that are changing the way we look at the Global Product Supply Chain.


Prevent data leaks

The global average cost of a data breach is $3.6 million. Is your company prepared to deal with the aftermath of a cyberattack? Many businesses struggle with preventive measures that block the sharing of sensitive information or prevent unauthorized users from viewing sensitive documents. It's no wonder that protecting against data leaks is a daunting task. With the rich security features available in Microsoft 365 Business, you can easily protect your company's sensitive data. Check out this infographic for a quick overview of industry trends, business pains, proof points, and more on how you can prevent data leaks.

View: Prevent data leaks

The 4 main types of secure hardware

IoT is everywhere: industries, smart cities, homes, and wearables are just a few examples. It's an everyday reality and the number of connected devices is rising rapidly. But with connectivity comes vulnerability. IoT devices present always-on targets for hackers looking to access your business' network and device cloud, gain malicious control of the device, or steal critical data. Since there are so many potential ways in which cybercriminals can hack into online devices, it's no secret that their connections to each other and the cloud need scalable and easily deployable security solutions. Read this infographic to learn about the 4 most commonly used standards for secure hardware used to protect today's devices.

View: The 4 main types of secure hardware

Discover the benefits of modernization and save with Azure SQL Database Managed Instance

Check out the ways in which Azure SQL Database Managed Instance is designed to provide you with exactly what your business needs so you can save money without missing a beat.

View: Discover the benefits of modernization and save with Azure SQL Database Managed Instance

  iLO 5 Chip with Silicon Root of Trust Protects Servers from Attacks

This video breaks down the silicon root of trust, a key differentiator of HPE Gen10 Servers and iLO5 chips. Learn how the secure, trusted chain between the iLO5 chip and the essential firmware components offers a unique digital fingerprint. View the video to see how HPE can help protect, detect and recover your infrastructure.

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Vollrath enjoys scalability, data protection in remote offices

In this customer success story, learn how cooking utensil maker, Vollrath, was able to centralize management for remote offices, reduce maintenance costs, and reduce remote office management complexity with HPE SimpliVity. Through the deployment of these hyperconverged nodes, Vollrath now gets the benefits of cloud economics with enterprise level protection, performance, data efficiency, and management.

View: Vollrath enjoys scalability, data protection in remote offices

Security Is Not Privacy

Do you know the difference between security and privacy? Although these terms are often used interchangeably, they are quite different. And both are crucial to business longevity. Check out this thought leadership article to help you get started.


Start your IoT journey with industry-leading SaaS and PaaS offerings. Learn more about Microsoft Azure IoT.

Regardless of your business or industry, it's most likely that your digital transformation initiatives require a stable, secure, and flexible platform that can scale and adapt to your projected growth. You also want a flexible business partner, one that can adapt to your established methodologies and effectively complement your teams' unique strengths. Subscribe now to learn how you can leverage Microsoft Azure IoT and the Microsoft Partner Program to create growth-enabling digital transformation and long-term partnerships that drive success for your business.

View: Start your IoT journey with industry-leading SaaS and PaaS offerings. Learn more about Microsoft Azure IoT.

Lizo | Digital transformation in the oil & gas industry: improving on-site safety

Safety is a priority for companies, especially those working in industries where a few seconds can mean a significant deficit for thousands of customers. This time we show how companies such as Lizo partner their apps with Microsoft Azure for instant status updates of facilities and equipment that are vital for site operators to maintain safety around the globe. Their customers funnel real-time data from multiple sources into a single platform. Their facility oversight is improved, their operations are more efficient, and the workplace safety is right where it should be—at the top. Watch this video to see how other data-driven companies could partner with Microsoft Azure to offer cloud-based software solutions to customers who need real-time response.

Customer story: Presentation Studio

Sydney-based company Presentation Studio specializes in writing and designing sleek, professional presentations across the Asia-Pacific region. As the company expanded in proportion to the demand for its product, company leaders at Presentation Studio knew they needed to upgrade to a secure, cloud-based platform, so they partnered with Microsoft 365. They are using productivity and collaboration tools that allow employees to work remotely and work together across a multitude of apps and devices, plus enterprise-grade security features keep sensitive data safe from cyberattacks.

Monday, June 1, 2020

FINNING | Value of Partners in Azure Cloud Application Building

Team synergy is critical to ensuring the success of a project. But this isn't just a matter of putting people together in a project and expecting results. An active effort must be made to ensure everybody is well aware of their role, scope, and how to collaborate so that all teams can create a methodology that pushes the project forward on time and within budget. In this video, you'll learn how Finning, the world's largest Caterpillar dealer, has created a culture of collaboration with their digital transformation partner to drive successful IoT initiatives, and how they made it all possible by using Azure IoT.

Grow Your Business Infographic

If you're looking to allocate resources based on seasonal applications or applications with fluctuating levels of demand, check out this infographic on how different virtualization models can help strike the right balance.

View: Grow Your Business Infographic

What is Microsoft Copilot for Azure

Gain new insights, discover more benefits of the cloud, and orchestrate across both cloud and edge with the new Microsoft Copilot for Azure....