Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Achieve generative AI operational excellence with the LLMOps maturity model | Microsoft Azure Blog

The Azure LLMOps maturity model is more than just a roadmap from foundational LLM utilization to mastery in deployment and operational management, it is a strategic guide that is essential for navigating the ever-evolving AI landscape of AI. Ready to achieve AI operational excellence? Contact Lantel Cloud to put Microsoft's Azure LLMOps maturity model to work in your transformation.


Grupo Bimbo bakes in end-to-end data security and compliance with Microsoft Purview

This customer story video shows how Grupo Bimbo, a major player in the consumer goods industry, rigorously protects its trove of recipes and R&D assets. Its vast store of sensitive data calls for greater visibility and safeguards to ensure compliance with regulations in the many countries where Grupo Bimbo operates. The company has addressed that need by implanting solutions from the Microsoft Purview family of data security, governance, risk, and compliance applications. Watch it now!

4 Strategies to Address the Biggest Challenges in Data Security

The rapidly growing volume of data, structured and unstructured, stored in diverse places makes data security more challenging than ever. In this eBook, you'll get a quick but advanced view of the top challenges in data security today and advice for overcoming them. Download your complimentary copy of the eBook to dissect the how and why of understanding and protecting data and defending against identity-based threats.

View: 4 Strategies to Address the Biggest Challenges in Data Security

Copilot in Outlook | Manage your inbox

Copilot in Outlook can help you stay on top of your inbox with features to help you summarize conversations, transform notes into emails and follow up on actions faster, with less effort. Learn about Copilot in Outlook in this Microsoft video.

Monday, April 29, 2024

Microsoft named a Leader in 2023 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Strategic Cloud Platform Services

In today's rapidly changing tech environment, being recognized by an organization as prestigious as Gartner® calls for a celebration. Read this inspiring blog about how Microsoft was named a Leader in the 2023 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Strategic Cloud Platform Services. The report showed that Microsoft had gone furthest in Completeness of Vision.


Canopius enables data & AI innovation by building a strong foundation with Azure

What happens when a worldwide leader in insurance finds that its technology infrastructure is slowing down and preventing future innovation? Find out in this perceptive customer story about how Canopius migrated from dual data centers to the more agile, cost-effective environment of Microsoft Azure.


Email catch up with Copilot

Having trouble keeping up with your email? Catch up with Microsoft Copilot, your AI-powered assistant.

Siemens Teamcenter and Microsoft Azure solve the tough challenges with a modern PLM

Deployed on Azure, Siemens offers customers full visibility up and down the product lifecycle from planning to manufacturing to purchasing. Read their story for an in-depth discussion of how Siemens Teamcenter and Microsoft Azure AI are giving customers an edge over the competition, and enabling new, better products to roll out around the world. Contact Lantel Cloud to future proof your PLM with Microsoft AI technology.


Tuesday, April 23, 2024

What is Microsoft Copilot for Azure

Gain new insights, discover more benefits of the cloud, and orchestrate across both cloud and edge with the new Microsoft Copilot for Azure. Read this informational blog outlining what this innovative solution can do for your organization and it includes a link to give you a free preview.


Crash Course in Microsoft Purview

With ChatGPT and other AI-powered productivity applications in use in corporate America, companies need to pay attention to the data that is flowing through those AI applications. Safeguarding sensitive data requires a data management and governance plan. In this e-book, you'll learn how the Microsoft Purview data management platform delivers. Download and read the eBook and learn about Purview's platform-based approach that enables information protection, data governance, risk management, and compliance across multicloud, multiplatform data estates.

View: Crash Course in Microsoft Purview

What's new in Azure Data, AI, and Digital Applications: Are you ready to go from GenAI experimentation to solutions at scale?

The AI era is here — and moving at warp speed rerouting technology roadmaps and dramatically accelerating transformation and value realization timelines. Microsoft is once again at the forefront of development and deployment of responsible AI. In this blog article, you'll take a deep dive into what's new in Azure Data, AI and digital applications. What's more, you will learn how by deploying Azure you can go from GenAI experimentation to solutions deployed at scale - and realize a substantial ROI in the process. Ready to make your move from AI experimentation to innovative AI solutions with Azure? Lantel Cloudcan help you get started.


Get started with Microsoft Copilot with Graph-grounded chat in Microsoft Teams

If you're often spending time searching for the right chat message or trying to summarize a chat discussion, you'll want to try out Microsoft Copilot in Chat. Microsoft Copilot can help you be more productive by bringing together data from your documents, presentations and email in Microsoft Teams. Learn how in this Microsoft post.


Monday, April 22, 2024

Our commitments to advance safe, secure, and trustworthy AI

Microsoft announced its support for the Biden administration's program of voluntary vendor commitments to safer AI applications. The standards aim to ensure that AI systems are secure, and trustworthy. Read about the AI commitments in this article by Microsoft.


Generate New Ideas with Microsoft Copilot in Chat

When you're tight on time and need help, fire up Microsoft Copilot in Chat. This quick video illustrates how it works and will show you how productive you can be in Chat, with help from Copilot.

Build your own copilot with Azure AI Studio

Copilots are quickly becoming known as a unique AI category that gives businesses the opportunity to get products and services quickly to market. Watch this informative video about how your organization can build custom copilots using Azure AI Studio, the platform where you can confidently apply the latest state- of-the-art and open-source models.

INSPIRE Environmental uses Azure AI to improve efficiency and streamline data analysis to meet the pace of offshore wind development

NSPIRE Environmental (INSPIRE), is a Venterra Group company dedicated to monitoring seafloor health. Labor-intensive data collection and analysis was impacting the quality of their data and jeopardizing their long-standing reputation for delivering timely and reliable results. Read their story for details on how INSPIRE used Microsoft Azure AI solutions to analyze complex ocean data more quickly and efficiently, lower costs and reduce turnaround times for clients. Contact Lantel Cloud for more information on how Azure AI can streamline your transformation to the cloud.


Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Cyber Signals Feb 2024

Read this eBook from Microsoft Security revealing how threat actors weaponize AI and how your security team can harness the power of AI to prevent and mitigate cyberattacks.

View: Cyber Signals Feb 2024

Three Smart Ways to Exceed Your Customers' Digital Expectations

The survey says: "High-quality CX isn't a nice-to-have—it's a revenue driver." That may be the understatement of the decade. Fully 73% of consumers rank customer experience (CX) as a vital factor in their purchase decisions (coming after only price and product quality). Download this eBook for insights on the innovative new digital tools and strategies business leaders like John Hancock are embracing to rise above customer expectations and stay competitive. Contact Lantel Cloud to start driving your revenue to greater heights with Azure digital tools and services.

View: Three Smart Ways to Exceed Your Customers' Digital Expectations

Build and deploy an enterprise chat application with Azure AI Studio

Imagine a sleeker, easier method of creating and deploying enterprise chat. It's here with the help of Azure AI Studio. Watch this eye-opening video showing how to deploy generative AI solutions with preconfigured capabilities like a handy toolkit for building your critical enterprise chat applications.

Frequently asked questions about Copilot in Microsoft Teams

Copilot for Microsoft Teams can help organize your work in a wide variety of ways. Enabled by AI, Copilot can summarize meeting discussion points, generate answers based on chat histories, and other useful functions. It's like your private meetings assistant. Get the inside scoop on Copilot for Teams in this FAQ.


Monday, April 15, 2024

Staying ahead of threat actors in the age of AI

In this article, you'll learn how Microsoft Security and OpenAI are collaborating to ensure that new threats are identified and stopped quickly, as well as information on the top threats and threat actors identified by the Microsoft Security Intelligence Team. The article also shares the five principles that Microsoft follows to ensure its AI technologies can't be hacked and used by cybercriminals. These principles include transparency and collaboration with other AI providers.


Azure AI Studio Demo

The new era of generative AI development is here. And it's empowering developers to explore, build, test and deploy AI innovations at scale. Watch this informative video looking at the advantages of Azure AI Studio, the solution that helps your developers move projects from ideas to impact faster and more efficiently.

B.TECH scales retail operations and slashes time-to-market 30 percent with Microsoft Azure

B-Tech is an Egyptian retail giant specializing in household appliances and consumer electronics. Read how B-Tech used its digital transformation arm b_labs to build a competitive advantage with Microsoft Azure, boosted service availability to 99.9 percent, cut time to market by 30%. Bye-Bye Black Friday back-office blues. Ready to build your competitive advantage with Microsoft Azure? Lantel Cloud is ready too.

View: B.TECH scales retail operations and slashes time-to-market 30 percent with Microsoft Azure

Get caught up on meetings in a fraction of the time

Do you struggle with an unending flood of emails, texts and meetings? Keeping track of the discussions, decisions and action plans can be difficult. You can stay on top of it all with Copilot in Teams.

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Copilot in Word | Enhance Your Writing and Design

Copilot in Word transforms every part of the creative process, from developing and editing copy to reworking it for different purposes. Copilot helps you draft briefs speeches, sales letters and marketing copy. Now integrated with Microsoft Designer, Copilot helps you to effortlessly incorporate custom graphics into your document. Watch this video for a demonstration of the ways that Copilot helps you be more creative.

Monday, April 8, 2024

Alabama Appellate Courts System transforms and modernizes judicial operations with Azure.

"In the words of Blake T. Lunsford, Director of Information Technology at Alabama Appellate Courts System (AACS) their "technology infrastructure was functional but lagging behind modern standards...and faced limitations in terms of system integration, scalability, and security capabilities." Microsoft empowered Lunsford's AACS IT team to modernize a new case management system while also upgrading to Windows 11 Enterprise and Microsoft 365 Government. Great story. Check it out. Ready to modernize your IT infrastructure? Let Lantel Cloud help you get started.


New Technology: The Projected Total Economic Impact™ of Microsoft Intelligent Data Platform

How can organizations minimize infrastructure costs, automate workflows and deliver new or improved services to customers? With the Microsoft Intelligent Data Platform (MIDP), your organization can benefit from a unified approach that delivers a projected ROI of 95% to 232%. The Forrester Report, New Technology: The Projected Total Economic Impact™ of Microsoft Intelligent Data Platform highlights key findings. Download your complimentary copy of the report to review quantified projected benefits to productivity, efficiency, cost savings, uptime and income. Contact Microsoft partner, Lantel Cloud, to discuss how we can support your migration to MIDP.

View: New Technology: The Projected Total Economic Impact™ of Microsoft Intelligent Data Platform

Copilot can help employees use Word more creatively!

Copilot can help employees use Word more creatively!

The Microsoft Intelligent Data Platform — Unleash your data and accelerate your transformation

There's a strong need for a cloud solution capable of solving data fragmentation problems of the past and present. Find out why the Microsoft Intelligent Data Platform is the best answer in this informative blog pointing out how it can easily manage spikes in data, new workloads and the challenges of emerging technologies.


Monday, April 1, 2024

Three Smart Ways to Exceed Your Customers' Digital Expectations

The survey says: "High-quality CX isn't a nice-to-have—it's a revenue driver." That may be the understatement of the decade. Fully 73% of consumers rank customer experience (CX) as a vital factor in their purchase decisions (coming after only price and product quality). Download this eBook for insights on the innovative new digital tools and strategies business leaders like John Hancock are embracing to rise above customer expectations and stay competitive. Contact Lantel Cloud to start driving your revenue to greater heights with Azure digital tools and services.

View: Three Smart Ways to Exceed Your Customers' Digital Expectations

The Total Economic Impact™ Of Microsoft Azure AI

If you're looking to see what an AI solution can do for your organization, download this insightful Forrester analyst report outlining how six decision-makers felt about their experience and their return on investment while deploying Azure AI in their infrastructure. Discover how Azure AI contributes to business growth and improved customer acquisition and retention.

View: The Total Economic Impact™ Of Microsoft Azure AI

Finance in the fast lane

With over MYR81 billion in assets under administration, Malaysia-based AHAM Capital serves a diverse client base that includes corporates, institutions, pension funds, and high net-worth individuals. Read this customer story for details about how AHAM, with the help of Azure API Management boldly embraced digitization by shifting its operations to the Microsoft Azure cloud, transformed its total operation and digitized 75% of all transactions in just eight months. Ready to make the move to MS Azure Cloud? MS Cloud techspert Lantel Cloud can get you started.

View: Finance in the fast lane

Microsoft named a Leader in 2023 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Strategic Cloud Platform Service

Everyone knows it's important to work with a winning partner. Read this notable blog about how Microsoft has been recognized by Gartner® as a Leader in the recently published 2023 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Strategic Cloud Platform Services (SCPS). In the report, Gartner placed Microsoft furthest among the competition in Completeness of Vision.


What is Microsoft Copilot for Azure

Gain new insights, discover more benefits of the cloud, and orchestrate across both cloud and edge with the new Microsoft Copilot for Azure....